We are the Glasgow Sports Network

The Glasgow Sports Network is an inclusive, collaborative network for sports professionals who live or work in the City of Glasgow.

We provide face to face networking opportunities for people to socialise, collaborate, inspire and improve the sports offering in Glasgow.

This not-for-profit network provides a range of opportunities for sports professionals in Glasgow, at any stage of their career, to network, learn and empower others.

A monthly meet up where you can meet other sports professionals, and beyond that the network will evolve and grow into what the members want it to be.

Our Approach

It all began with the idea that there must be sports professionals in Glasgow that were missing some social interaction with other people in the sector. Who else might be around for a coffee or a drink who has some similar aspirations to what sport can look like, and how we can achieve it.

The network has the potential to bring people together with similar challenges, who can share best practice, or even work together on future projects.

We are in a unique moment in time, where the power of the collective may well be what can inspire the city to continue to flourish.

Started local

The first meeting of the network took place in December 2022 in a coffee shop with 6 people round the table having breakfast and finding out more about what each other do.


We know there are lots of good people living and working in the city of Glasgow who work in sport and who have great ideas, challenges and solutions who could be part of this network.